A gleeful cacophony of cabaret vamping and black, blistered psychedelia dominates The Phantom Limbs’ work. It’s as if The Mysterians exsanguinated Question Mark in a delightfully demented post-punk sideshow and they’ve presented us with the mangled remains. This double disc compilation is a nail in the coffin of the band’s tenure on the East Bay scene, which spanned 1999-2004, and took them across the US and Europe. “Hot Knives and Hornets (Witches Mix)” infuses the original version with sped-up, distorted electro ferocity, the “Jointly Stranded” remix is a spook house rave up with some of the fastest organs in the West, and the accompanying film captures a bit of the madness in the flesh. For the creepy, carnivalesque squalor The Phantom Limbs have left behind, it’s a fitting farewell.
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