Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cruel Black Dove @ Santos

Saw Cruel Black Dove last night at Santos Party House along with opener Soundscapes and headliner Mahogany. As ever, it's a pleasure to watch singer Anastasia Dimou move onstage. From languid, fluid gestures that cut through space in slow motion to staccato stances that emphasize the rhythms, her physicality morphs with the music. The band played their two killer singles, "Love Song" and "Offer" (which you can download from RCRD LBL) along with "Wasting," "Dreadful," "War Son" and an unexpected Stooges cover, "Gimme Danger." Like many, I'm sensitive to covering classics, but this was done so nicely I couldn't resist. CBD curate the cult of Curve and classic Nine Inch Nails, but always with a distinctive slither that is truly their own. And their aesthetic is never overdone, but always includes enough eye candy to attract. (Bassist Shirley Ho's patent leather Beatle boots and the band's black MacBook bookended the stage quite nicely.)
Get more Cruel Black Dove here.

(Click to enlarge)

Photos courtesy of Ms. Naomi Ramirez, in house photographer for Wierd.

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