Monday, April 20, 2009

Odds + Ends

1. The Dead Sextons @ Europa

Saw this strange, swampy band before The Hunt played a few weeks back. The Dead Sextons incorporate the croon of Nick Cave, the existential sleaze of Tom Waits, and the undead Elvis rockabilly quiver of the Cramps all steeped in the Delta blues. Not too hot on the outfits and the MySpace tracks aren't as down and dirty as most of the stuff I heard live, but I gotta give the singer props for incorporating blood into the set. All I can say is I'm determined to find out more...

2. Telepathe @ The Annex

Checked out the CD release for this electro duo's new record, Dance Mother. They've just been touring with Ladytron and The Faint, and if you listen to Telepathe's eerie synth stylings it's easy to understand why. Live, however, they were a bit uninteresting and the green and purple nylon hoodie/ponchos did nothing for me. Dig the record, though...

3. Goth Engine

Albeit somewhat ridiculous, this is a Google Custom Search Engine that is pretty self-explanatory. I'm also into the fact they have a nice Nietzsche quote on the page, (even if his last name is misspelled), so I figured I'd mention it.

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